Jumpstart The Gàidhlig!

Offerings of activities in person in Tacoma & Online
Gabh fois is bruidhinn!!
$30 per individual private lesson or Group lessons $25 each for 2+ people maximum of 15 students Wednesday nights throughout the month 7:30-8:30 pm
Immersion Focused Learning with Aodhàn through Jumpstart the Gaelic!
Focusing on Noun & Verb retention this class uses very little reading and writing teaching language learning through action. Come sing, dance, handle objects and learn the same way you acquired your first language.
Aodhàn developed this class after being diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. While many classes focus on the written word, this class does not. His ability to retain Gàidhlig was greatly reduced when reading and writing was involved. It left him exhausted and frustrated. Once diagnosed he was able to construct a different style of program that covers several key aspects of basic Gàidhlig.
This class is also great for those that need more focus on speaking the Gaelic that is already inside them and needs a safe and fun learning space to come out.
No experience needed, regardless if you are learning full time or just as a hobby this class will benefit your confidence in speaking and doing.
In person learning takes place typically in Tacoma Washington but depending on class size and interest he is willing to travel.